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Other PoliciesGuide To PEGI Ratings
As of 30th July 2012, the PEGI Ratings on video games stopped being voluntary guidelines and are now legally enforceable ratings.
The PEGI (Pan European Game Information) system was introduced several years ago as a way of indicating the age ranges that a game is suitable for. The PEGI System is now classified by the Video Standards Council, rating each game on its content, rather than its playability or difficulty.
Each game is rated at one of five age levels, and like BBFC ratings, it is an offence to supply a game to anyone below the rightful age limit, and punishable by a fine up to £5000 or up to 6 months in prison. ID may be required to purchase higher age-rated games.
The BBFC will continue to rate non-game footage in games, such as trailers, featurettes, and bonus DVDs. They will also remain responsible for classifying any games featuring pornographic material.
So you can be sure the game you are choosing is appropriate for you or your child, the age logo will appear on the front cover, and on the listing page for the game on our website.
Suitable for children aged 3 and over
Suitable for children aged 7 and over
Suitable for children and teens aged 12 and over
Suitable for teens aged 16 and over
Suitable for adults aged 18 and over
Content Descriptors
PEGI also have a series of Content Descriptors, which provide extra information detailing what kind of content is in the game and why it has been given a particular rating. This should help customers make an informed decision whether the game is right for them.
Violence - Game contains depictions of violence, including fantasy violence
Bad Language - Game contains language that some may find offensive
Fear - Game may be frightening or scary, particularly for younger children
Sex/Nudity - Game contains nudity and/or sexual references or behaviour
Drugs - Game refers to or depicts the use of drugs
Gambling - Games that encourage or teach gambling
Discrimination - Game contains depictions of, or material which may encourage, discrimination
Online gaming
These serve a useful purpose on a pan-European basis where there are different views on levels of acceptability in the matter of bad language, sex and nudity.
To find out more about PEGI and PEGI ratings, or for any questions or comments regarding PEGI ratings, please visit www.pegi.info. To learn more about legal classification of games, please visit www.gamesratingauthority.org.uk.
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